Our Services
How can we help?
Our team of experienced accountants help Irish Landlords navigate through the intricacies of the Irish taxation system, covering a wide range of services including Landlord Income Taxes, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and VAT.
Landlord Tax Returns help you and your business manage new and changing legislation on taxable income from rental properties, and help your business make significant savings, advising you on the best business structure and operations frameworks to ensure continuing success.
Value Added
VAT on property is one of the most complex areas of taxation in the Irish tax system. Revenue takes a keen interest in VAT on property transactions. The sale and purchase of properties necessitates detailed reviews to avoid tax traps for the unwary.
We give clear advice and assist with taxation and VAT compliance issues, along with providing valuable planning exercises which minimise VAT costs and maximise VAT recovery, and tax relief that is available to Landlords.
Isn’t it just large landlords that need an accountant? Of course not, even the smallest property owner can benefit from advice on ways to minimise tax and submission to the revenue.
We can advise you on types of records you need to maintain to ensure compliance or we can assist in maintaining the records for you.
Working with an accountant is an added cost to any business. However, the cost should be offset by the value they add. In various studies it has been proved that landlords that use an accountant pay less tax.
Don’t forget the accountants fee are an allowable deduction for tax purposes.
We aim to provide you with a fixed fee quote that will cover the areas we will work on together. This will be based on the complexity and volume of the tasks involved.
Should any additional assignments come up during the year then we will provide a quote in advance, unless the matter is urgent and it is in your best interests to take action on your behalf.
One thing is for sure, if you telephone with a query you won’t get a bill!